Monday, 24 September 2007

lonely mooncake festival.

well, tomorrow is mooncake festival. this will be the 2nd time im not celebrating with my parents. sobs.. im around 50km away from them, i got class tomorrow, i cant go bck n celebrate with them. so sad.. they bought me some mooncakes, what i can do now is enjoy watching the full moon n eat those mooncakes. no lanterns, no candle to play.


i still remember the first time im not celebrating mooncake festival with parents is.. errr around 7years ago when im just a standard 5 little boy, i was sent to a training camp, dont know what kem ketua pengawas bla bla thing somewhere is pd. it is a 5days4nights camp and the 3rd night is mooncake festival. i lied on the bed, watching the full moon, and later on i cried. tears just cant stop dropping. i miss home, i miss my mom badly that night. after dinner when i stepping back to my room, i saw my parents! omg they came to visit me, i was soooo touched. they brought me my favourite mooncake, agar-agar mooncakes! =) i wont forget that, it is really an unforgettable moment.


this year, for sure i wont cry anymore la. im now no more a small kid. but, seriously i miss home. i hope i can be at home to celebrate with them every mooncake festival, every year.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

the most mou liu lecturer in luct.

introducing the most mou liu plus gayness lecturer in limkokwing university of creative technology.. *drumrolls*


i used to call him AMAT FATTY!! kekeee because he is really fat! besides fatness, he can be described as chubby, and he is funny. but not cute! he likes to act cute in the class. all the guys found out that he is SO DAMN GAY! but the girls like it because cute mar! ahahahaa..

p/s : look at the picture. he took it in the toilet in the campus! i found out its really mou liu n gayness! i thought only students will do that, but he as a lecturer also doing this kind of mou liu thing.

he taught me moral education last semester. he always called my name n ask me to answer his questions, and i always give him those stupid answers. haha.. his english is funny. during the moral lesson, besides teaching moral, he taught us how to catch a 'toyol' too! damn crazy la him and he like to share ghost stories with us. stupidnya!!

then this semester right, he is not teaching me any subject. but i always see him in the class one. he damn ke po + 38 one. always come in my class and kacau us, thats y i think that he is superbly mou liu. he likes to stick with those chicks. then flirt around!! ewww so gay! ahahhaaa..

overall, this lecturer really the most mou liu one, i always tease him one when i see him. ahahaaa..
thats all la, i cant stop laughing now when im reading this post! ahahhaa..

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

coke from stef.

guess what? stef, my classmate just bought me a coke from indonesia today. she went to bandung, indonesia last saturday and came back yesterday night. so jealous can go makan angin!! >.< lol.. i never been to indonesia before. *sobs

thanks stef! =)

Monday, 17 September 2007

diet diet diet !!

diet diet diet~~
recently i have gone through a tough week, i went on for a diet. >.< the reason is.. im fat! gotta lose weight! hahaha..

so, i did a lots of research on healthy diet.
the experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient.

These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.

1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.

2. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.

3. Maintain a healthy weight. The weight that's right for you depends on many factors including your sex, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.

5. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.

6. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them.

Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole-milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label to help balance your choices.

Choosing skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly.

If you love fried chicken, however, you don't have to give it up. Just eat it less often. When dining out, share it with a friend, ask for a take-home bag or a smaller portion.

7. Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.

8. Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients.

9. Make changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too.

10. Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.

lol. it's tough, but it's fun.
u guys should have try it. =)

Friday, 14 September 2007

w h y m e ?

Finally, i have been left out. this few days im so out of the mood. yesterday in creative design class, lecturer wants us to find a group of 4person. i thought of being with last sem groupmates, yingwei nick n yvonne. but, everything has changed. they dont want me anymore. i asked them once, 'am i in your group'? they dont even want to bother me. fine, from that moment, i already know i have been left out.

i dare not put the blame on anyone of them. i will only blame myself because of my attitude in last sem, i was like so lazy last sem. but i already apologize n made my promise to them, i said i will work damn harder, i dont disappoint them anymore. but it seems they still cant forgive me. im so sad. =( dear god, im sick, pls help me. seriously, i really treat them as my very good friends, i spent most of my time on them, i gave up my love with someone last sem because of them. i feel bad if i always stick with my girl but not them. i seriously treat them as my goodest friends in my uni, from my heart, im honest to them. just because 1 simple mistake i did, they now dont treat me as nice as last time anymore. i feel like im a piece of deep shit in their mind.

lazy = shit. im lazy, so im a piece of shit.right?

everyone is changing, even me also changing. the reason i change is to make myself to become more better, i dont want to disappoint them. but they changed because they wanna leave me, coz im a piece of deep shit.

i hope, one day they can really understand me.

this semester, i'd changed alot, i turn up for every major classes. although im tired i lack of sleep, but i will get my ass up to go to every lesson. i spent most of my time with them. i wanna proof them i willing to change, what i hope is forgiving me. i dont mind they screw me or what, i just want to apologize, i wanna change, to fulfill their hope. i admit that im really a piece of shit last sem, but im changing now. please give me a chance can u ? can u ppl forgive bout me? =(

im really out of mood these days.

dear god, plese guide me, how to solve this problem. i feel like giving up on my finals, i dont want to walk alone, i need them. i dont mind suffering, but i just want my friends to understand me. they misunderstood me, i wanna explain, but it seems i dont have even a chance to tell them. they dont believe, they dont trust me anymore.

sigh.. what should i do? =(

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Just So Comic, Creative Design.

Well, this is what i have done for my first assignment of Creative Design, a comic with the title, ' WHY ARE YOU SO LIKE THAT '. i have been doing this for days, didnt sleep for nights, tired like shit. lol..

All these are just the rough sketches, i forgot to take pictures of the final and complete one. lol..

final artform of The Headline, Design Studies.

this artform really killing me.. >.<

after the presentation..

sandwiches for dinner.

sob sob sobs.. these few days i got sandwich sandwich for my dinner. lol.. actually im going on a diet. so eat more healthy food is the rightest choice! and meat less.. lol!

i got ham n crab sandwich for my dinner today.

yesterday, i made myself egg sandwich.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

figure studies.

Our topic for last friday life drawing lesson is FIGURE STUDIES.
well, i found out this topic is very interesting, i learnt alot bout drawing human figure, formula on how to start n draw a complete normal human being. last time i drew lots cacated human fiure, now at least better. special thanks for MR.FOAD, life drawing lecturer and also my class mentor. =) i like his class, but dislike assignments which given by him. 50sketches per week. die man.. hahaa..

we always fool around after the lecture. lol..
here's some good shots, enjoy.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

chicken mcNuggets.

i had my lunch at mcD,seri kembangan this afternoon with classmates. umm i ordered myself 20 pieces of chicken mcNuggets! ahahhaa..

its like too much for me. but i managed to finished them by myself.waahhahaa.. so kuat makan today! this 20 pieces nuggets came with 4 types of sauce, i got crazy curry, thai chilli, sweet & sour and BBq. i always wanna try out the lemon tango sauce, but always out of stock. then the sweet mustard like SHIT mustard. ahahhaa..

after that, went bck to campus, then balik tido. lol..